Dissertation Abstract
Construction and Reflection: Using Web 2.0 to Foster Engagement with Technology in Information Literacy Instruction
This instrumental case study is concerned with how library students in an online graduate course about information literacy instruction used Web 2.0 technologies to learn about course concepts related to information literacy and educational technology. Glogster, PBworks, Diigo, and Prezi were used in course assignments to foster student learning related to core information literacy concepts and to reflect upon Web 2.0 and its role in instruction. Two research questions grounded this study:
1. How do attributes of Web 2.0 tools enhance and hinder the construction of knowledge related to information literacy instruction and educational technology?
2. How does the use of Web 2.0 tools in a course on information literacy instruction foster aspects of the constructivist learning theory?
This study is specifically concerned with librarians who teach. Librarians, especially those in public and school library settings are often the gatekeepers to computers and the Internet. In a university setting, they are typically the educators who teach about using online resources for coursework through one-shot and for-credit information literacy courses. In many studies on educational technology, emphasis is placed on whether students are learning, but when using these technologies to teach future educators, it is equally important to understand how they are used and if the students found them useful. Only then will educators discover how to encourage students to use technology in their own teaching and be open to new technologies as they progress through their professional lives.
A qualitative approach was taken for data collection and analysis. The course in this study was conducted online and consisted of one instructor, who was also the researcher, and seventeen graduate students. Observations were done on assigned activities and discussion threads. Documents that were analyzed consisted mainly of course assignments, emails, and online discussions. Surveys included a pre-survey given out the first week of class and a post-survey during the last week of class. Both surveys contained open-ended questions that related to Web 2.0, education, and information literacy.
Both analytic and descriptive qualitative methods were employed for this case study. The perspectives of the study participants and their perceptions of the course Web 2.0 activities guided the research findings. The educational theory of constructivism and its adherence to reflection, active learning, and social interaction was used to find patterns in the data. Activity theory provided a framework for data analysis and interpretation related to the patterns of activities that took place while students used each Web 2.0 tool.
Findings revealed that Web 2.0 tools both enhance and hinder the learning of course content. The tools enhanced learning because they fostered engagement, excitement, creativity, collaboration, and class discussions. Learning was hindered by because these technologies could sometimes lead to distractions from the learning objectives. Web 2.0 technologies also helped and hindered the use of constructivist learning theory for the course. They fostered aspects of active learning, reflection, and social interaction, but could also lead to data overload and extraneous learning. Pedagogy also greatly influenced the learning that took place during the Web 2.0 activities. It was found to both enhance and hinder this learning.
Web 2.0 tools have the potential to help students hone their information literacy skills and participate with media and technology at higher intellectual levels. However, when used as educational tools, Web 2.0 technologies are each unique and conclusions about their use need to be articulated in a manner that acknowledges these differences. Because of this, it is necessary to use a variety of Web 2.0 tools in order to maximize their educational potential. Therefore, the educator still plays a key role in fostering student learning through the use of technology. It is the educator that must purposely choose technologies and design course work that aligns technology use with course objectives.
Excerpted from:
Magnuson, M.L. (2012).Construction and reflection: Using Web 2.0 to foster engagement with technology in information literacy instruction. (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No.3520737)
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Magnuson, M. L. (2013). Web 2.0 and Information Literacy Instruction: Aligning Technology with ACRL Standards. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 39(3), 244-251.
Magnuson, M. L. (2011). Perceptions of Self and the "Other": An Analysis of Challenges to And Tango Makes Three. School Library Media Research, 18(10) 1-9.
Magnuson, M. L. (2009). Electronic Women's Grey Literature in Academic Libraries. Collection Building, 28(3), 92-97.
Other Publications & Interviews
Magnuson, M.L & Brown, J. (2016).Stories from the Field: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Child Welfare Partnership. Policy and Practice.
Parker.P. & Magnuson, M.L. (2016). Critical Concepts Practice: Safety Assessment . Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership.
Magnuson, M.L & Brown, J. (2015).Stories of Innovation: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Child Welfare Partnership. Policy and Practice.
Magnuson, M. L. (2015). Metaliteracy: Reinventing Information Literacy to Empower Learners by Thomas P. Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson (review). portal: Libraries and the Academy, 15(1), 198-199.
Ongoing educational technology column in Books & Bytes. (2011-2013)
Interview: 4 Web 2.0 Technologies to Inspire Students. (September, 2011). Campus Technology.
Magnuson, M. L. (Spring 2009). Thoughts on Intellectual Freedom Education: An Interview with Two IF Educators. In Wisconsin Library Association Intellectual Freedom Roundtable Newsletter, 4-5.
Magnuson, M. L. (Fall 2008). IFACTION Listserv: A View into Intellectual Freedom Issues in Modern Librarianship. In Wisconsin Library Association Intellectual Freedom Roundtable Newsletter, 8-9, 15.
Magnuson, M. L. (Spring 2008). Book Review: “The New Inquisition: Understanding and Managing Intellectual Freedom Challenges,” James LaRue. In Wisconsin Library Association Intellectual Freedom Roundtable Newsletter, 9.
Magnuson, M. L. (Spring 2008). IF Advocacy and Public Policy: Q&A with Former ALA President Nancy Kranich. In Wisconsin Library Association Intellectual Freedom Roundtable Newsletter, 10-11.
Conference Presentations
Magnuson, M.L. & Nasgovitz, E. (April 2018). Engaging Modules for Busy Educators and Learners. Presented at the UW System Virtual Showcase.
Barkei,J. & Magnuson, M. L. (March 2018). The ‘Art’ of Observation: Overcoming Bias in Case Note Writing. Workshop presented at the Fulfilling the Promise Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Magnuson, M.L. (January, 2014). Attitude and Self-Efficacy: Teaching with and About Web Technologies for Information Literacy Instruction. Peer reviewed paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Magnuson, M. L. (August, 2012). eRacer Forums: Setup and Pedagogy for Effective Online Discussions. Presented at the Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning, Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (August, 2011). How can I incorporate more technology into my teaching using Individual Technology Objectives? Presented at the Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning, Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (May, 2011). Understanding How Objectives Transform into Outcomes: Activity Theory and its Use in Analyzing Web 2.0 Assignments in an Information Literacy Instruction Course. Conference proceedings. Presented at the Connections 2011: The Great Lakes Information Science Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (May, 2010). Information Literacy in Today’s Libraries. Invited panel facilitator at the Library Council of Southeastern Wisconsin Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. & Bloom, R. (April, 2010). Teaching Anxiety and the Academic Librarian: How to Plan, Cope, and Persevere When You’re Scared out of Your Mind. Presented at the Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (April, 2010). Parental Rights, Third-Person Effects, and the First Amendment: Understanding Challenges to And Tango Makes Three. Paper to be presented at the National Popular Culture & American Culture Associations Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
Magnuson, M. L. (October, 2008). Perceptions of Self and the “Other”: An Analysis of Challenges to And Tango Makes Three. Paper presented at the Annual School of Information Studies Student Research Symposium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Bales, B., & Magnuson, M. L. (October, 2008). Taking the Next Step: Presenting a Paper, Poster Session or Round Table at Conferences. Workshop presented at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee School of Education Doctoral Program Fall 2008 Research Forum, Glendale, Wisconsin.
Edyburn, D., & Magnuson, M. L. (April, 2008). Technology Enhanced Performance: Designing Instruction for the Success of All Students. Presented at the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (March, 2008). Perceptions of Self and the “Other”: An Analysis of Challenges to And Tango Makes Three. Paper presented at the Annual University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee School of Education Research Conference, Glendale, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (October, 2007). Use of Electronic Grey Literature in Women's Studies Collections at Academic Libraries. Paper presented at the Student Research Roundtable session at the Wisconsin Library Association Annual Convention, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Poster Sessions
Magnuson, M. L. (April, 2012). Social Media and Constructivism: Technology's Impact on Assignment Design. Poster presented at Carthage College Celebration of Scholars, Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M.L. (April, 2011). Aligning Technology with Learning Objectives: Student use of Glogster to Summarize and Critique Academic Journal Articles. Poster presented at the 2011 SLIS/SOIS Research Forum , Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M.L. (April, 2011). Construction and Reflection: Student Wiki Creation in an Information Literacy Instruction Course. Poster presented at the Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians Annual Conference, Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (April, 2009). IFACTION Listserv: A View into Intellectual Freedom Issues in Modern Librarianship. Poster presented at the SIOS Student Research Poster Day, “Diversity and Excellence” Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Magnuson, M. L. (January, 2008). Electronic Women’s Studies Grey Literature at Academic Libraries. Poster presented at the peer-reviewed ALISE/Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition at the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Academic and Professional Meetings/Workshops
Magnuson, M.L. (2021). Training of Trainers. Wisconsin Child Welfare Partnership for Professional Development, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, UW-Milwaukee. (Hybrid training delivered via Canvas and Zoom )
Magnuson M.L. et al. (2020). Zoom Training of Trainers. Wisconsin Child Welfare Partnership for Professional Development, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, UW-Milwaukee. (2-hour training delivered via Zoom)
Magnsuon, M.L. (July, 2016). Strengths-Based Feedback: A Method for Delivering Effective Performance Evaluations. Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, UW-Milwaukee.
Magnsuon, M.L. (August, 2015). Strengths-Based Feedback. Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, UW-Milwaukee.
Magnuson, M.L. (January, 2014). Prezi for Beginners. Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, UW-Milwaukee.
Magnuson, M. L. & Munk, D. (Feburary, 2013). Helping Students Prepare for Class: A New Look at a Familiar Issue. The Center for Academic Development and Research at Carthage College , Kenosha, WI (Faculty Development Spring Sessions, Invited).
Zitron, E., Magnuson, M. L., & Myers, K. (November, 2012) New Research Tools and New Approaches to Research. The Center for Academic Development and Research at Carthage College , Kenosha, WI (Faculty Development Fall Sessions, Invited).
Magnuson, M. L. (August, 2012). iPad Bootcamp Workshop. (Hedberg Library, Carthage College (Teaching With Technology Series, Facilitator and presenter.)
Magnuson, M. L. (April, 2012). Using Technology to Develop a Professional Identity. (Hedberg Library, Carthage College (Teaching With Technology Series, Facilitator and presenter.)
Magnuson, M. L. (March, 2012). Using Technology to Organize Projects. (Hedberg Library, Carthage College (Teaching With Technology Series, Facilitator and presenter.)
Magnuson, M. L. (January, 2012). Using Technology to Encourage Student Engagement. (Hedberg Library, Carthage College (Teaching With Technology Series, Facilitator and presenter.)
Magnuson, M. L. (January, 2012). Online Writing Tools. Writing Across the Curriculum Faculty Seminar, Carthage College, Kenosha, WI (Invited).
Magnuson, M. L. (January, 2012 & 2013) Social Media and Your Career, Life After Carthage, Carthage College, Kenosha, WI (Invited).